2025 site audit
Audit. Isn’t that such a lively word?
…Uh, finally hit push on a bunch of changes from December. So I’m writing this less than a week into the new year, but don’t be surprised if it doesn’t go live until later :V
[update 1/08: lol]
Anyway, new year new whatever, no resolutions no gods no masters. But I’ve been revisiting various sub-sites and noting things that need fixing/updating/general-doing along the way, so!
things done
- a-flyleaf.github.io (you are here):
- pushed changes from December, as noted above; includes the previous blog post
- sitemap: added links to blog slug & status pages
- it’s 2025 now! updated homepage & footer year accordingly
- moved page redirects to the relevant folder (backend only)
- privacy: edited the frontend section (RIP Nitter, Piped, Invidious… yikes)
- /artfight: fixed assorted links
- /hello-world (404):
- pushed age-old commit to delete unused images
- fixed broken image & links on the status post mirror
- moved relvant pages from my pre-github site on glitch.me to this repository
- /omori:
- About: minor copyedit, to account for not actually having touched the hikikomori run for over a year now
- Links: added repo where some madlad just reuploaded half the assets folder
- corrected one (1) letter to make the Heardle insanity log chronological, which it was always supposed to be
- intentionally skipped the art, meta, and hrvatski pages bc I’d be here for 4 years minimum
- /toyshelf: pushed old commit making minor fixes, made other extremely tiny changes
- /ygbtdm:
- pushed old commit with assorted fixes
- cast: fixed broken links in character image captions
- a similar relative link issue probably exists throughout the gallery since I can’t check that properly on the localhost. we’ll see if I ever get to combing through those, though; like the omorisite, this repository is huge and I didn’t scour each individual page.
- fixed a couple links in the April Fool’s special—which also necessitated making a behind-the-scenes roadmap because wtf past me. how did I keep track of all those files. hyperfocus is a heck of a thing what was i on
- aaand made other minor corrections which I didn’t keep track of. that’s what commit history is for.
things to do maybe possibly eventually
- a-flyleaf:
- desperately need to update the /projects page
- convert /shriblets to its own repo, trawl through & link pages throughout sub-sites there too
- fonts folder & preview page, for stuff I ripped from google. might be better to make this its own repository?
- artfight: literally have not touched this since 2022; I have very little for 2023 and didn’t participate in 2024, but like it’s still Something… maybe I’ll get to it if I play again this year
- omori: finish moodboards and Put Them Somewhere
- toyshelf:
- figure out how to retroactively configure the /newhell stuff, among other stuff in the to-do text file
- move Lato from this repo to a-flyleaf, re-link accordingly
- put the timeline somewhere maybe
- disaster crew “links” sequence that basically conveys the whole 2012 timeline in the form of Toyhouse-esque character relationship summaries. this is like… half-written? it’s decently far along but needs to be, y’know, Finished™
- ygbtdm: figure out wtf to do with all the miscellaneous stuff buried in /misc…. there’s a TON of pages all over this repo that could get rounded & cleaned up, or at least linked on the aforementioned hypothetical future shriblets repo
sites that don’t exist yet
- TFE: a bulk of this “site” already exists; need to add in bonus gallery stuff and decide if & how I want to dump the remainder of the document/commentary/whatever. and also put stuff on the homepage+about lol
- RP hell gallery? straight to neocities with that one, I don’t anticipate future updates
not site-related
for the love of god I haven’t made a yearly art summary since 2022. or a monthly roundup since 2023. help
there should no longer be changes sitting on my machine from 5ever ago yaayyyyy
+note: as this is super informal and mostly only makes sense to me, I’m not noting it on the site status. also like, I just pushed the commit that put the last post on the homepage :V no need to dethrone it so hastily.