
what the flyleaf doin

March 1, 2025

I first drafted this post at the end of January, realized I didn’t actually have much of substance to share, shoved it in drafts, and now it’s a month later and there are actually updates. Cool!

the draft from January 27, more or less

We’re closer to 2040 than we are 1940. And that’s enough quietly unsettling factoids for one day!

I am committing to nothing formal, but it’s nearing the end of the month, and I have things to share. Juuuust enough of a handful to “warrant” a new post about it.

  • League of Legends show Good™. Am normal about it.


earworms of the month

  • “Ghost” by Badflower, a song with in-your-face “I want to kill myself and here’s why and how” lyrics that made me double take when it came up at random in a relative’s daily Spotify recommendation playlistwhich sounds more concerning than it is, frankly. It was jarring in a “you only listen to old country music, what’s this random hyperpop track?” sort of way, not a “holy shit I am concerned for your person” way, for the record. Anyway, it got stuck in my head!
  • The Line” and its spectacular live version by Twenty One Pilots, for the Arcane soundtrack. I’ve been told the context is extremely sad. I did not go out of my way to listen to a soundtrack song that I don’t have context for yet, but 21p has some good stuff and I got curious. I hope when I get to whatever scene this song plays during, it kills me dead just as hard as listening to the song on its own does.
    • [3/01 update: yeah it killed me dead.]
  • “Sucker” by Marcus King, also from the Arcane soundtrack. And “Dynasties & Dystopia”, ft. various artists, also fromguess whatthe Arcane soundtrack. And that song from Arcane that goes “AAAAAHAAYAAAAAAAHAHAHEEHOHAAAAA”. As songs do.
  • jaunty instrumental tunes in a language I can’t read. palette cleanser. as a treat.

site things

  • a-flyleaf.github.io: extremely minor copyediting to last post

[…I thought there’d be more but then I actually re-checked the repos and there ain’t. okay. cool. whatever I’ll publish this next round of Substantial Changes ig]

And Then It Was March.

Cool shit discovery link: the animations and music of Tomasz Woźniakowski, found through mildly unsettling chairs, a surreal walk, and then just the entire rest of the audiovisual output. Instant and immediate add to my All Time Favorite Video Artists playlist, because what the fuck.

site things, more than one (1) bullet edition

In alphabetical order by repository:

  • a-flyleaf [you are here]: did the font-moving thing! updated old pages here & on sub-sites accordingly.
  • /deviantart: got possessed by data entry goblins (#2*)
  • /dragonotes:
    • deprecated old codetest page in favor of datacheck #1*,
      +and then used it for all the site’s data and not just the dragons
    • art is data now too yay, gallery TBA whenever maybe
  • /toyshelf:
    • drafted up a fancy custom character page, which is theoretically why I made the site in the first place
    • revisited & reconfigured various “newhell” pages, for a small collection of concepts that (as of writing) haven’t gone anywhere
    • art/datacheck page (#3)*
    • added art that’s been posted up to present. ignore that late 2023 onwards is still almost entirely backlogged,,
  • /ygbtdm: fixed one (1) broken image link

*what’s a “datacheck”

“Flight Rising is dragon neopets” correct but also wrong, Flight Rising is spreadsheets with a game attached. Gradually over the years I’ve taken several levels in spreadsheet management, design, formula-conjuring etc., simply through playing the dragon game a lot and having a shitton of stuff I want to keep track of.

The DWRP stint, incidentally, taught me a lot more about both sheet-finagling and managing Jekyll site data.

It recently occurred to me that fusion is an excellent tactic to make automated data management stronger. Visuals is nice.

So now I have three (and counting, most likely) /datacheck pages which, as the title implies, exist as a quick and easy way for me to check what’s going on in the data folders of various sites. (—Actually, hell, I have four if we include that yet-to-be-published TFE site.) As they exist more for my own reference than the general public’s, I expect the links to change and move around a lot indefinitely.

Here are some archived versions, anyway. (Images are intentionally broken, mind. good lord the lag)

  1. pixel lizard hell
  2. >10 years of internet presentation evolution
  3. and these are actual public on-my-site pages, now at a glance

is this showing off to you


what even is this data

Assign numbers and other attributes in one big go, easy to refer to later, no need to retype “Dragon McGee is a dude with black claws and raven hair” 500 times on 500 different pages.

Jekyll is also a neat sitebuilder and if, for instance, I want to make 500 different pages, or 500 different sections on a page, I can just type 500 chunks of data one (1) time, and not have to code each instance from the ground up.

did… did you not do this all along?

no lmao


spreadsheet as webpage go brr

what the flyleaf doin next

or: compiling some stuff I’ve posted as to-do lists over the years. with ✨data✨

# tdl = to-do list
# t,s,n = task,status,note (optional)

  • post: eleven#miscellaneous-things-i-want-to-do-at-some-point
    • url: /ygbtdm
      • t: finish uploading colorscript
        s: done!
        n: well, it’s uploaded. not public but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
      • t: publish complete outline, continue winging from there
        s: no
        n: lmao
    • url: /a-flyleaf
      • t: new homepage + plaintext layout
        s: done!
        n: does it look substantially different no, but the backend is better
      • t: offshoot TFE repo
        s: wip
        n: workin’ on it!
    • url: /toyshelf
      • t: art by others
        s: scrap
        n: this was always a “nice to have” and I completely forgot it ever occurred to me until revisiting this just now
      • t: newhell update(s)
        s: done!
        n: done as it’ll ever be, as of writing
      • t: condense ygbtdm side characters
        s: no
        n: it’s on the repo to-do list
  • post: bottleneck#todo
    • url: /a-flyleaf
      • t: do Something about that giant unholy not-March post
        s: done!
        n: nightmare,
    • url: /ygbtdm
      • t: designnote spoiler pages
        s: no
        n: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
      • t: revamp main story & cast indexes
        s: scrap
        n: cast pages are Fine Actually; story can be done whenever I actually post the damn story
  • post: 2025-audit#things-to-do-maybe-possibly-eventually
    • url: /a-flyleaf
      • t: update /projects
        s: no
      • t: convert /shriblets to new repo
        s: no
      • t: fonts folder
        s: done!
        n: opted not to make a separate page so they're less easy to rip
    • url: /artfight
      • t: add 2023 stuff
        s: no
        n: if/when I play again, then,,
    • url: /omori
      • t: finish moodboards
        s: no
        n: where do I even fuckign link them
    • url: /toyshelf
      • t: retroactively reconfigure /newhell
        s: wip
        n: uhhhhhh don’t look at the tag links
      • t: font moving
        s: done!
      • t: link timeline somewhere
        s: scrap
        n: idk maybe in the about?? low priority
      • t: finish disaster crew links
        s: no
    • url: /ygbtdm
      • t: sort out the /misc folder
        s: no
        n: lol.
    • url: [other]
      • t: RP gallery (neocities)
        s: no
        n: uhhhhhh
      • t: art summary/roundup things
        s: no
        n: 🙃

So, does this mean the “wip” and “no”-statused things will actually be done next? Ha. Hahahahahahaha.

We’ll see ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ