
what’d you cut it out for

December 24, 2023

oh hey I forgot about that last post! it looks as ~intended and is published now, hooray. [edit 2024/09/18: no it wasn’t I didn’t push the commit until today,,,]

Anyway, ✨stuff✨, no order no gods no masters. Post title is misheard lyrics from the latest earworm.

We Have Once Again reached the time of year where everyone’s looking back at stuff they’ve done and putting it together for nostalgia, review, public consumption, etc. It has been, hands fucking down, the year of Omori for me. This game has eaten my brain since I first played on my birthday this year, which I have definitely mentioned in previous blog posts but it bears mentioning again, and the changelog on my fansite is a testament to that.

Curiously, as of writing, the latest update is from late November—and there’s a substantial gap between that and late August. (There are a couple other updates from this month, too, sitting on my machine; they’re probably live if you’re reading this down the road.) What happened there?

screenshot; description below

Screenshot of a Dreamwidth account’s profile stats. Of note: created on August 29, 2023; and it has posted two-thousand four-hundred eighty-seven comments.

I, for one, am having an extremely normal time writing hundreds of thousands of words in which I throw my favorite characters at other people’s favorite characters.

The trouble with RP is that it’s very much a “you had to be there” kind of hobby. Like an extended in-joke, to those on the outside the incidents which transpire are passing amusements; the stories are not particularly palatable for public consumption, at least not without extensive massaging—which, in and of itself, alters the spirit of the thing.

In other words: I’m not even gonna try to summarize or explain this. The numbers speak for themselves.

Moving on!

year in review?

It’s a little premature (eve of kringus) to do a yearly roundup of any sort—art, writing, code, anything—but I want to jot a few notes down anyway, while I’m here.

  • Namely: holy shit, there’s kind of a lot to summarize…! The closest thing I have to an annual tradition is my yearly art summaries, and I do intend to make another one—but it’s insufficient if and when I do non-drawing things. Like, I fiddled around with 3d modeling last year (shameless self-plug: low-poly character model, art “redraw” but in 3d), and displaying a model doesn’t lend itself to easy singular-picture-showoff. Coding is a perpetual on-and-off, and has been for several years now, but a lot of my big improvements there are on the backend. (“What’s a backend?” Exactly.) And this year I definitely dove back into writing, RP-related and otherwise—although most of it isn’t public yet, and that which is public… see above!
  • Speaking of not-public things, I’ve also gotten in the habit of making myself personal minisites for various things I like to keep track of; new words, writing notes, RP sagas, etc. I’m learning new things about Liquid all the time—Liquid being the language Jekyll is based on, and Jekyll being the sitebuilder… see, again, not the most easy to summarize or show off. But it’s knowledge! I have Made Strides™ and I am happy about it.
  • I think I’m also just like… slowly, gradually, perpetually, learning more about myself and the way I work. When I linked those yearly art summaries above I took a quick detour to read the description of last year’s, and I’m kind of astounded by I feel like “[doing something different] wouldn’t be Terrible, actually” is basically an ongoing theme of, if not the whole year, these last few months?, and that bit towards the end about being ~cringe~ or whatever, because… I mean, I feel like I’ve done a lot of new stuff this year! I made a piano cover and got back into prose and have been learning a new goddamn language!!
  • Like. There’s temptation to beat myself up for things not done, projects unfinished, real-life milestones still not quite hit. Four-thousand weeks be damned, it’s been a quarter of a century(?!???) and I think I will always be a person with a lot of sporadic pursuits on my plate, and I have a lot of fun that way. Big Huge Accomplishments kind of happen as a byproduct, along the way, whether I’m aiming for that or not. (See also: whenever I introduce a new person to my site and they’re like “wtf this is huge.” Uh… huh! Yeah! I guess it is!! Doesn’t feel that way to me, I’ve just been building it up page by page over several years and oh yeah huh I guess that sounds pretty huge doesn’t it.)
  • idk I’m bragging I’ve done a lot and I’m happy with it, and the year on a whole has been substantially less depressing than last, and I’m feeling chill about that, too.

…Huh, watch me just link this post in the art summary in lieu of (and/or in addition to) a longer description. Watch.

oh, and about art

I’m not about to make some Big Huge Leaving Announcement, but deviantArt really truly does get shittier and more annoying every time I check it; it’s got nothing to do with the lovely people I watch and everything to do with the obnoxious UI changes, the way it’s just clawing to shove algorithmically-recommended art in my face, and also TBFH I’m just really spoiled by my site + Dreamwidth letting me use basically whatever formatting I want.

Since I’ve been drawing less lately, I think it’s a good excuse to step back from dA more intentionally. Maybe. Perhaps?? I’ll keep uploading there, out of habit/convenience if nothing else, but one of the Big Long-Term Goals floating around my head has been a manual backup of my own.

Mayhaps one of these days…. Even if I don’t do a giant archive sift all at once, I can do it for posts going forward. 2024+. That’s it that’s what I’m getting at ok? ok. bye now

loljk. P.S.

(“loljk” = “lol, jk” = “laughing out loud, just kidding”. is not Croatian word)

I just want to shill the song again because I the singer’s voice is smooth. And also, behold, a link that is neither YouTube nor Piped—because Piped’s been failing with error codes lately! And the trouble with using these frontends is that every few months, at the whims of The Corporations, things can break! It’s worth it (IMO) for not subjecting people to any more Corporation Platform than strictly necessary but christ alive!!

The song really is good, though.

addendum 2: index update

2023/12/24: new blog post get!

↑ New status, just advertising this. I will probably make some previous-status page eventually, but since there’s only been two and the previous is copied in another blog post, might as well stick the new one here, too.

addendum 3: fuck it. monster post

jesus,, Christ