Short looping animation in which Aubrey points her bat at the viewer.
Artist Commentary
Today I sat back and enjoyed some old animator favorites*, and it made me want to do my own animation again \o/ I’ve been meaning to practice hair animation for ages, and although this turned out a lil choppy and the expression change is extreme for the framerate, I’m happy with it overall! Also, who let Aubrey’s design have a billion loose parts (or ok technically only 3 (hair, bow, jacket) but there are multiple components to each)!!
Time taken: ~4 hours, split about half for sketch & lines and half for everything else.
*For shameless recommendation purposes, in alphabetical order:
…I should probably put ^those somewhere on my main site but I do what I want¯\_(ツ)_/¯
+bonus WIP because I used more layers than strictly necessary