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heck it. headshots

Busts of the main cast, with Headspace versions mimicking the talksprites in small squares next to larger, older versions.

heck it. headshots

 – 2023-08-02

Artist Commentary

>only feels like drawing headshots
>realizes that’s the perfect excuse to do that one “cast in your style” meme I’ve been eyeing for months

Didn’t use the actual template for a couple reasons; firstly because I have no idea who made it (the version linked above doesn’t seem to be the original; there are faint traces of someone else’s art on it), and moreover because, as per the fanwork policy, I try not to use official assets anywhere. Also, thought it’d be cool to do a sort of style comparison, one which draws (har har) more from the game canon and the other with more of my own liberties.

Incidentally I figure the Headspace crew looks more or less exactly as presented in-game, so! Twofold comparison combo >:3c

Pencil-esque coloring style on the real-world took forever but was surprisingly fun! Relatively flat shading was ?inspired by (feels like the wrong word, nothing was directly referenced, but these styles were In Mind at the time) the official talksprites + Faraway fullbodies, as well as various art by @udtcue (on Tumblr + (not-)Twitter).

+additional unsolicited prattling

It’s kind of funny to me that I started drawing this crew all like “hmm, what do I do about art style,” and now fast-forward over half a year later (?!!? wth, btw) and I think what it boils down to is

  • basically just my normal style (whatever it is at this point), but
  • marginally less detailed eye shapes (usually just the top line unless expression calls for lower creases,
  • the filled-in-iris + white pupil thing, and
  • simplified inner ear & nose lines.

I like the neck-shadow but don’t tend to fill it in lineart-wise, and RIP to the blush-lines but they never caught on with me :V

Anyway at some point I might put together some compilation of how I’ve drawn these six over time, both to see how much they’ve changed from early sketches and because I’ve probably experimented stylistically with them more than any characters before?? I think a big part of that is because, even though I am a stickler for not having sameface, the fact that the Omori kids are canonically pretty samey means I feel like I can take a lot more liberties with simplification, eliminating detail, etc.

That said, some character-specific notes because why not:

  • Sunny and Mari have to be round to me. Theoretically they have the same eye and nose shapes, although I’m not sure how obvious that is when everything’s so simple. Also, Sunny deserves to have a lil hair scruff; it’s less pronounced on Omori, if existent at all.
  • Theoretically Kel’s face shape is somewhere between a rectangle and an oval, but in practice it usually just looks round. Which I am a-OK with tbh; it wasn’t a striiictly intended similarity, but this way it kinda looks more like Mari, and something something he tried to take her role of looking on the bright side and all that. Mostly this is what happens when I have Very Particular Minute Differences in my head, but then the characters with those differences don’t get drawn together very much.
  • Hero, meanwhile, I am still not sure whether to make sharp or not. The pointy chin is Important, though.
  • Aubrey and Basil were also not strictly supposed to look similar, but I did coincidentally give them sharper features and relatively circular faces so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Basil has a more squarish jawline but it got covered by the hair-sideburn-things here.
  • If you noticed the not-Headspace Mari is still not the “real” Mari (grayscale being the giveaway, but also in the prominent neck-shadow, blush lines, and (if you squint) the thicker/softer brush that the Headspace headshots use), GG! If Omori was adapted into some other medium and there was a marked stylistic difference between Headspace and the real world, I’d picture spirit-Mari as somewhere between: more real than the ballpoint purple friends, but not quite the “real” her, either….

Time taken: 7h30m, most of which was probably all that pencil-style coloring. Turns out scribbling like that is relaxing, even if it kills my hand a little \o"/