In which Kel, Aubrey, and Basil chill on a bench. In the main drawing Kel pulls his friends closer, which garners varying degrees of flusterment; in a bonus comic, Sunny walks in on the scene, and joins in his own way.
comic transcript (click to toggle)
- “Oh hey, Sunny!” Kel greets. In a continuation of the main drawing’s action, Aubrey is shoving him back and Basil is kinda slumped, having been pulled closer; both pause to look over at Sunny.
- In a black bar resembling the game flavor text (implicitly Sunny’s thoughts): “There is no room for you;” the end is cut off by Kel’s dialogue: “The more the—ow—the merrier~!” (Aubrey has stomped on his foot. Basil meanwhile shuffles upright.)
- Sunny stares. There’s really not that much room. Basil pats the bench at his side in an invitation.
- So Sunny seats himself in Kel’s lap, much to the trio’s amusement. “All right!!” Kel exclaims, “That works…!!” (Sunny is content.)
“bench buddies”
Artist Commentary
Noticed last month that “just chilling on a bench” was an unintentional little go-to. (Peanuts wall, anyone?) Felt like drawing the post-truth triad. This spawned ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Never make me draw a bench ever agai—
Background is roughly frankenstein’d from two photos (main + foreground); outfits more or less ripped from some merch promo art. Did you know there’s an old Omori teaser sketch called “the love bench”? Wasn’t an intentional reference but I thought that was funny.
Time taken: 8h25m for the main drawing + 5h15m for the bonus, all in 3 days. Yeah, I don’t know how the bonus took that long either; multiple fullbodies on a relatively big canvas will do that….