A sketchbook. (back to art index)

“Eternal banana”: in which Mari holds a banana like a phone and makes goofy faces about it. Also noted on the canvas: (pointing at a yelling gesture) “(Infernal banana?)” & “awkward stock photos FTW.”


 – 2023-08-23

Artist Commentary

This waaaaas supposed to be a warmup ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

I do not particularly understand why Mari is associated with the random banana but I think it’s funny. I also seem to be more or less incapable of drawing her in a way that doesn’t either make her a doof or lean into the horror show, but I’m having fun.

Time taken: ’bout 3 hours
wonderful, wonderful stock photo references: yelling“can u fkn believe this shit rn”hmst