Giant wall of sketchdoodles. Original file is twice the size shown above; click for fullsize (opens in new window/tab).
“monthly roundup: 2023 June”
– 2023-07-19
Artist Commentary
> this file was made on the 12th
> it took a week to finish putting together
> not because anything about it was particularly difficult I just haven’t felt like touching the art program lately
- the hrvatski train chugs along
- Part of the Omocat stream has been uploaded publically! It’s not the full thing (there was a short interview prior, Q&A after) but this contains the parts I was yelling about—what shaped the characters, namely, and confirmation that symbolism is Important™.
- “it’s birth imagery” is ripped off a Fullmetal Alchemist manga ?meme-panel-edit—or, uh, I thought it was a meme but apparently not because I cannot track it down again for the life of me >:V It was almost definitely somewhere on this lovely blog, though.
- “old Basil art” isn’t referring to any specific piece, but like… look at it
- redraw ig
- forgot to note on-canvas but the style used in the “prozor duhu” and “unrelated scribbling” canvases is based on some of Omocat’s stream art (nothing specific, just that blacked-out default brush scribbling)
- fun w/ photobashing (standalone upload with credits)
- vaguely-used reference photo for the kids roughhousing (Basil’s body slam just loosely collages various poses from image search results)
- is this sunflower
- normally I try not to show external images in these but here the sketches were drawn right over the references, so
- no wait this is sunflower
- I have definitely seen this meme redrawn with Sunny and Basil(? or Stranger) wholesale but do not remember who did it, RIP
- edit: found it
- dog with the cheetahs etc.
i take writing very seriously.
Hikikomori playthrough is already underway, notes are being taken with zero regard for prelude or context, have fun if you wanna~?